Nicole & Kevin | Norristown & Longwood Gardens

Nicole & Kevin are so sweet. When I met them, I walked into their apartment and they were preparing a dinner for our meeting – chicken or shrimp quesadillas! They had never met me before beside our correspondence via email, but yet they opened their home and welcomed me warmly. We had the best conversations! I felt like I knew them forever. I liked them immediately!

When it came to planning their engagement session, I was so excited! Nicole and Kevin knew they had to have photos in a park with their pup. We started off by strolling through Norristown Farm Park chasing after pretty light (and their pup!). Early in planning Nicole and I threw around the idea of going to carnival because we loved the idea of bold colors and lights but when we tried to find one that fit our schedules, it just didnt work!  Enter Nicole’s genius- she sends me an email one evening with a link to what she called “an electric garden” at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA. After the park, we headed down towards Longwood Gardens about 45 minutes away. Before getting to Longwood, we stopped at a random parking lot near Kevin’s work that had these massive boulders landscaped next to it which actually turned out to be pretty neat and had BEAUTIFUL light!

When we arrived at Longwood, not knowing the territory, I was a little nervous! We finally found the field of lights, I whisked Nicole and Kevin around the side as close to the lights as possible. They did the rest- snuggled close, kissed, and rubbed noses. It was perfect!

Nicole and Kevin- your wedding is so close and I am so pumped for it to be here! I cannot wait to share your day with you! Its going to be a blast!

Thanks for looking!