Mackenzie & Connor are magic together. You’d think they’re two teenagers who just kissed for the first time and are still in the honeymoon stage. They’ve got this super simple, take me as I am, unconditional kind of love that makes you believe all things are right in the world. It’s truly admirable.
Mackenzie is such a sweetheart. She’s the definition of selfless and compassionate and Connor is her perfect pair. He’s dedicated and affectionate.
Mackenzie & Connor’s wedding day was filled with fun, laughter, a few tears, and lots of sentiment. Mackenzie parents met at her aunt’s wedding at Villanova and then got married there. Connor’s dad went to Villanova, and Connor is a fourth-generation Villanova graduate. So needless to say, the Villanova Chapel (V’s up!) was an important part of their day. Following their ceremony, we all hopped on a trolley and scooted back to the Union League in Philadelphia for their classy reception. After a beautiful first dance, a toast from a proud papa, a tear-jerker speech from Deirdre, Mackenzie’s sister and maid of honor, the classy reception was turned up a notch when the Don Eaton Band cranked up the tunes so EVERYONE could let loose!
I loved getting to know them and their truly amazing families through their wedding day! They always kept me on my toes and gave me something to photograph!