Clare & Sean are like the All-American couple. Over-the-moon in love with each other for all the most beautiful reasons. They’re incredible sweet. Super fun to be around (Clare aka the queen of silly faces)! They have quite lovely, supportive families who treat you like one of their own children! Their wedding day at the Union League in Philadelphia could not have been more perfect!
It’s no secret that I am a sucker for emotional men on a wedding day. Their wedding day was full of them, from Sean’s father giving him a wooden engraved box with a bottle of whiskey and branded glasses to Clare’s dad seeing her in her dress for the first time.
Clare stood in the bedroom just off the main room of the suite waiting for her dad to open the door. Her hair and make up simple and elegant. Her mom helped her step into her dress while her sisters made sure her dangling diamond earrings sparkled. As the door squeaked open her dad stepped back and took in his daughter standing there in her wedding dress. Repeatedly, he choked out “Beautiful. Just beautiful. You are so beautiful, Clare. That dress is incredible.” It’s moments like these that often have me choking up behind the camera.
I’ve witnessed a bunch of emotional dad’s see their sons and daughters get married. Sometimes there’s silly remarks, sometimes tears, surprise and joy, but I know every dad hugs their kid just a little longer. None of them want to let go.
There were so many great moments during Clare & Sean’s wedding day (like suspender grabbing or when Clare’s veil nearly flew away) and below are just a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
Thanks for looking!
Clare’s Gown: Bijou Bridal & Special Occasions
Ceremony: St. John the Evangelist
Reception Venue: Union League in Philadelphia, PA
Make Up: Face the Occasion
Florist: Valley Green Flowers
Entertainment: Don Eaton Band